Beards don’t grow over night…ok they do but VERY slowly. On average, beard hair grows at 1.25cm per month so to get an idea of how your beard is going to look, you’ll be waiting for around 3 months. Using the advice above, you could potentially increase beard length by 4cm or more in 90 days. It’s not a long time really. Keep using the beard oil daily, even when you have a short beard, you will notice that it feels more comfortable to the touch and looks healthier. Once your facial hair has grown in more, after 3-6 months, consider a visit to the barber to get advice on a tidy up or shaping to suit your face.

The 3 stages of beard growth
Hair goes through 3 cycles which sees the hair grow, stay present then shed, ready for regrowth. If you feel like your beard has stopped growing, take a selfie at the end of each month to check the progress. Inspecting it daily will not show signs of growth due to the slow rate at which facial hair grows.
This is the growth phase, it can grow for 2 – 6 years (or more in some cases). How fast your hair grows is down to genetics, if you naturally grow hair fast, you’re looking good for a great beard in a shorter amount of time. If your hair grows slowly, that’s ok too, just be patient, it will come in time. Good things come to those who wait n all that.
This is the phase when the hair has stopped growing but stays embedded in your follicles, just kinda sitting there showing off.
This is the phase where a new hair is born and replaces the old hair, pushing the follicle out. Then the anagen phase starts all over with the new hair.
The hairs go through the cycles at different rates, this is why you will often find beard hair on your desk on in your comb/brush, they have went into the telogen phase and are being replaced, don’t worry, it’s natural. However, poor diet, stress and a number of other things can cause hair to fall out. If you have any concerns out with normal shedding, consult your doctor.
However, everyone reaches a final length at some point. You may have already reached that length.
Use high quality products
The ingredients of your products can really make a difference to your beard growth and health. Natural ingredients blended in the correct ratios (like Braw Beard oil and Braw Beard Wash) will be much more beneficial than synthetic ingredients or even natural ingredients used in the WRONG ratios. There are too many startup brands jumping on the bandwagon and using the wrong ratios, be wary. Those products may dry out your hair, leading to breakages.